
by エヌ・デーソフトウェア株式会社



This product is a system that allows users and their families to check notifications, usage fee bills, and receipts delivered by business operators on their smartphones.You dont need to store letters, usage fee bills, and receipts, and you can check them at your convenience.*You must be connected to the Internet to use it.Family device requirements ・Smartphones and tablets with Android 10 or later installed ・GMS must be installed (Google Play must be available) ・Equipped with either the main camera (rear camera) or the in-camera (screen side camera) ・Screen resolution: 1280 x 720 or higher recommended ・Memory: 3GB or moreThis application is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights of ND Software Co., Ltd.ND Software Co., Ltd. licenses this application to customers based on the "Licensing Agreement for Users of this application (Android version) for Tsunagaru Family". Please read the contents ofPlease note that if you do not agree to even part of the contents of this agreement, you will not be able to download, install, or use this application.In addition, the customer is deemed to have fully agreed to the contents of the contract at the time of performing any of these acts.- See "Connecting Family Application License Agreement for Users of this Application (Android version)"https://license-agreement.tsunagaru-kazoku.jp/application_license.pdf